Barack Obama’s NSA/NDAA police-state narrative
Published in Intrepid Report on February 10, 2014
By Larry Pinkney
“O my body, make of me always a man who questions.”
—Frantz Fanon“If those in charge of our society—politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television—can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power . . .”
—Howard Zinn
Barack Obama and his corporate-owned Democrat and Republican accomplices are engaged in a war to control and dominate the very minds and “ideas” of everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation. The narrative propagated by Obama and his cohorts represent the insidious political and economic interests of the ruling national and global power elite, and every effort is utilized by this elite and their minions to discredit, marginalize, and otherwise neutralize those who dare to seriously “question” this narrative.
The actual role of the U.S. corporate “press and television,” including most so-called ‘educational’ institutions, is to “dominate our ideas” by incessantly promoting the warped and grossly inaccurate narrative of the power elite of this nation.
Distorting & disfiguring the everyday people’s narrative
Barack Obama’s massive and intrusive U.S. government NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance-state, combined with the provision within the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) calling for the indefinite imprisonment of U.S. citizens without charge, trial, or the right to legal defense, etc., is, in reality, nothing less than U.S. state sponsored terrorism against its own population and a 21st century fascist police-state. Yet, the U.S. corporate press and television, and most so-called ‘educational’ institutions, are overwhelmingly and deafeningly silent about these outrages against the U.S. Constitution, international law, and the human rights of the masses of people in this nation and throughout the world. The narrative being overtly and covertly promoted to everyday ordinary people by the U.S. corporate-stream media, if it reports anything at all about these outrages, is essentially this: ‘Endure the corporate government terrorism against you and give up your constitutional and human rights so that the government can fight the very terrorism that its policies are inciting nationally and internationally. Don’t make waves. Don’t question, and just shut up!’
Utilizing the divide-and-conquer strategy on the Democrat & Republican Party plantation
The narrative of the fake left/right paradigm in the U.S., particularly as it is embodied by the Democrat and Republican corporate-owned parties, is unquestionably the single most insidiously effective weapon used by the ruling power elite to divide and control the majority of everyday ordinary people of all colors and both genders in this nation. The reality is that the Democrat and Republican parties are simply different names for the same psychological, political, and economic plantation on which everyday ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are corralled and enslaved. Those everyday ordinary people of all colors who are psychologically and/or politically wedded to the Democrat or Republican parties are, in two words, systemic slaves who are in dire need of 21st century John Browns and Harriet Tubmans.
The fake left/right paradigm perpetuated in the U.S., as it is embodied by the Democrat and Republican parties, is the divide-and-conquer strategy used against ordinary people, at its most treacherous as the short, 12-minute video, Anti-War Goes AWOL: Divide and Conquer in Action, succinctly demonstrates.
The scurvy U.S. black elite
Then of course there is the relatively small black elite providing constant misleadership, as it distorts and disfigures the historical narrative of the struggle of everyday ordinary people of all colors, and most especially that of the black civil/human rights struggle.
This avaricious black elite opportunistically and disingenuously dares to equate the present-day NSA, NDAA, ‘Kill List,’ double-talking, drone man U.S. president Barack Obama with the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz), and/or Frederick Douglass.
In fact, Barack Obama is the very antithesis of the U.S. black human rights struggle and of the struggles for freedom and self-determination on the part of all people nationally and globally. Yet, the black elite seeks to join and profit from the misdeeds of the U.S. power elite, not change and dismantle it for the benefit of all everyday people. (Reference the article titled, To Be Black & Head of the U.S. Empire: A Contradiction in Terms.
The U.S. black elite and its aspirants are the euphemistic Judases pitted against not only everyday ordinary black people, but of everyday ordinary people of all colors. This black elite represents perhaps the saddest and most sordid example of how the genuine stories of struggling everyday ordinary people have been so utterly distorted and disfigured by a constantly perpetuated warped narrative in service to the national and global power elite. This must be reversed.
Controlling and presenting our own narrative
Those who consistently and persistently control and present our own collective stories—our own collective narratives—do not succumb to the twisted and warped narrative of the national and global power elite. We become our own media and tell our own stories, thereby controlling and presenting our own narratives.
Thomas Jefferson, who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence was, notwithstanding his imperfections, absolutely correct when he said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” Moreover, the late author, scholar, philosopher, and activist Frantz Fanon, succinctly and accurately elaborated and clarified this point when he said, “Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”
Genuine and successful “revolution” is of course an ongoing and very challenging process, but its seed is to be found in the minds and hearts of everyday ordinary people, which is precisely why the bloodsucking avaricious power elite of this nation (currently embodied by Barack Obama, his cohorts, and minions) do all that they can to distort, disfigure, and/or outright omit the genuine everyday people’s narrative and replace it with their own twisted, warped, and perverted narrative of half-truths and bald faced lies. As the late Howard Zinn said, “If those that dominate our society—politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television—can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power.” Thus, it is imperative that we the people—everyday ordinary people—reclaim and control our own collective narrative/s—our own minds. The responsibility rests with us to inform ourselves and each other and act accordingly!
My brothers and sisters of all colors: Get off the plantation! Regurgitate once and for all the narrative of “those in charge of our society” and their proxies.
Remember well the words of the late great parliamentarian and martyred Irish freedom fighter Bobby Sands, when he said, “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” This protracted struggle is not and will not be an easy one—but with principled perseverance and actualized hope—the time will surely come when the liberating sound of “laughter” shall ring out from the children of this nation and throughout Mother Earth!
Onward then my sisters and brothers. Onward!
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